Friday 4 September 2020

haiku poem

  1: charlie is not enjoying the tramp because is new boots were hurting is feet and he was frustrated because he wood be at home playing game with his mate and his feet was saw from the boots also he had to listen to jason snoring

2: he's not liking being on the tramp. his dad forced him to go because he will read a lot of books to much so his mum packed heaps of stuff in his pack bag it had heavy thing in it and his back was sawand hard to carry

3:what are the challenges that the boy faced charlie had to stay with jason all to the hut the another challenges was ignoring each other challenges jason mum packed jaston bag with unnecessary stuff, with heavy thing.

4:they were not friend because charlie wanted to go home and play the game and play with his mates and jason was so tired and he wanted to go home and have rest and sleep .  

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